Friday, August 7, 2009

The Journey Begins

Well this is my first time blogging, so forgive me if I don't have a clue what Im doing!

Our journey begins as we have decided to step out into the unknown and start our adoption process. It's so exciting yet so scary at the same time. We feel strongly that this is the path that God is leading us down and will not turn the other way. So as we talked it over we felt very lead to adopt an older child. Everyone wants a baby and very few want an older child. They need homes and want to be loved just as much, if not more, then a baby. So our decision was made, we would adopt a waiting child, ages from 3-6 years old, from Ethiopia.

Why Ethiopia you ask? I really can't tell you why. Their has always been something (God I'm sure) calling me too that country. Ethiopia has been in my heart for a very long time, long before our adoption was a for sure thing.

Now the paper work begins. On Wed. July 15 we submitted our application on-line to Holt international for a waiting child. On Fri. July 17 we were officially approved to start the process.

As of today we are still trying to figure out which home study agency is the best fit for us. We still have a long way to go, but it is so worth it. Oh how my heart aches to bring my child home!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kevin & Alice!
    I think I found your blog from the yahoo fundraising board? Not sure. Anyhow, I am an AP from Colombia, and we are about to start our second adoption. Congrats on your decision to adopt! The adventure that you have chosen to embark upon is one of the most exciting yet! I pray that as you go thru the process each step of the way that you will see the hand of God on your life, your marriage, your child/ren and this adoption. God bless!
